Yes, keeping backyard chickens has once again become extremely popular.
With rising food prices, uncertainty about chemicals & additives in our food, and the way 95% of chickens are inhumanly treated with intensive “cram ‘em in cages” farming… it’s no wonder. Intensive chicken farming is just plain wrong, but I know you already feel the same way…
Did You Know…
…that the average egg purchased from your local supermarket or convenience store, whether it be from a barn raised or free range chicken, is generally more than 45 days old before it ends up on your table? Try eating an egg that’s less than 24 hours old – you’ll soon taste the difference…When you keep chickens at home, you never have to worry about old stale eggs that have lost most of their nutritional value, and more importantly, you’ll never be supporting the intensive chicken farming industry again. You just can’t beat that.
However, while most people have good intentions, they also have a tendency to rush into chicken keeping. They think that keeping chickens in their own backyards or on a small rural plot is like, well, chicken feed.
Unfortunately keeping chickens in your own backyard is not as easy as keeping the shrink wrapped variety that might often be accustomed to visiting your freezer ;-0
However… the good news is that IT CAN BE that easy when you’re armed with the right knowledge…
…if there was such a thing as a doctorate in keeping chickens, that even a country yokle from the backwaters of timbucktoo could follow with ease – Chicken Keeping Secrets would be it…
Private access to the ”Chicken Keeping Secrets” membership website is like having your own personal library of proven chicken keeping information & advice, right at your finger tips, that you can access from the comfort of your own home 24 hours a day, 7 days week.Whether you need instant help with chicken housing information, health related issues, chicken feeding & nutrition problems – in fact any chicken keeping issue at all – we’ve got you covered.
Chicken Keeping Secrets can help you from A-Z… whether you’re a complete beginner and don’t know where to start, or you’re a seasoned chicken keeping professional and just want practical “how to” advice on tap.
Introducing “Chicken Keeping Secrets” brand new, official guide to keeping chickens at home which you can access and download in just a couple of minutes…
“Keeping Happy, Healthy, Egg Laying Chickens In Your Own Backyard…”
In this concise, easy to read, step by step guide – that you can download instantly in a couple of minutes from now - you’ll discover…“The Chicken Keeping Secrets guide was not only thorough and to the point, but also extremely informative. I particularly liked the chapter on chicken health. The way you’ve covered all of those aliments in detail is certainly going to be of help in the long term. And those bonuses, awesome. I would happily recommend membership to anyone thinking about keeping chickens – it’s fantastic and I’m happy I signed up for sure.” ~ Louisa Gagliardi, Queensland, Australia
- The 10 most commonly kept breeds of chicken including; their suitability for egg laying and /or meat production, their basic requirements and adaptability to your specific climate, and perhaps most importantly if you have children – their different temperaments and personalities.
- A brief history of chicken keeping and how to determine whether keeping chickens in your own backyard is really the right option for you.
- A complete run down on what chickens need to really thrive, the costs involved (they’re much lower than you might think), and how much time you’re really going to need to dedicate to the new additions to your family…
Chicken Coops And Housing
No Mess, No Fuss…
“We’ve had chickens since I was about 5 years old (we’ve got a soft spot for silkies) so I wasn’t sure if I really needed to purchase a membership to Chicken Keeping Secrets in addition to getting your free newsletter. However, sometimes it’s nice to be able to grab a quick second opinion when unusual issues arise. I think this is great value for money, and it’s good to know I can come in here at anytime and search around for your professional opinion on things. You’ve done a great job here” ~ Neil Patchen, New York, USA
- A detailed discussion on chicken coops including size and space required, accessibility issues, ventilation and insulation, and the placement of your coop. You’ll find out how much space you really need and the answer might just surprise you.
- Should you buy a ready made chicken coop? Should you build your own from scratch or knock up a kit set coop? Does a chicken really care if it lives in an old dog kennel? We look at all these answers and more to help you make an informed decision that will keep your chickens, your wallet… and your “significant other” happy.
- Choosing the right bedding material to use on the floor of your chicken coop is extremely important. Get it wrong and the health of you chickens may suffer. Get it right and you’ll reduce smelly odors, maximize hygiene, and minimize cleaning time and requirements. We discuss various bedding material options here and look specifically at those that you can then use as high yielding organic compost for your garden.
- Are you going to let your chickens out every day to forage around your yard so they can scratch for bugs, grubs, and insects becoming a natural form of pest control? Or should you keep them secure in their own chicken run? If you do let them out how are you going to control them? You’ll find out everything you need to know here.
- Your new hens are going to need a place to nest inside their home so they can reward you with fresh eggs daily. We look at different types of nesting boxes, their size requirements, positioning, and the ideal number to have to maximize egg production without taking up unnecessary space in the coop, or increasing your hobbies expenditure.
- Did you know that chickens don’t actually sleep inside their nest boxes? At night they actually roost on perches so you’ll need to ensure their new home has a suitable roosting place. We discuss different perching options, including thickness requirements, positioning to reduce fighting for the “prime roost”, the correct height that they should be placed, general spacing requirements, and common materials.
- Having the right tools and equipment for your new flock is a must to ensure harmony amongst “the pecking order”. You’ll learn about suitable food and water dispensers, how many you should have depending on how many birds you keep, where they should be placed, and whether you should go for the cheaper plastic varieties or the robust but more expensive options.
- Natural and artificial lighting inside your chicken’s home is one of the most important factors that needs to be considered for the health of your birds. Not enough light and egg production will be reduced. Too much light and you’ll wear your hen’s health down. Here we look at the various lighting options that are available and the ideal lighting balance required to keep things in check…
Chicken Feeding & Nutrition – What You Put Inside Your Chickens Ultimately Ends Up Inside YOU…
- We take a detailed look at the chicken’s digestive system, how it functions, and what’s natural so you can keep a close eye on things to ensure everything’s normal.
- How much should you feed your chickens? When should you feed them? Should you use a commercially brought feed or a home made feed? Here you’ll receive a detailed education on the proper nutritional requirements for maintaining a healthy chicken based on differing needs during its lifetime.
- If you want to make your own chicken feed we provide you with 3 easy homemade chicken feed recipes. Now you’ll know exactly what you’re putting into your chickens and ultimately what’s going to end up inside you when you consume their eggs.
- If you’re going to supplement your chickens feed with your own household scraps you’ll learn what you can and can’t feed your chickens. Some household scraps can become real treats for your flock; others can be detrimental and even fatal to their health and should never be given to them.
- We take a detailed look at chicken pellets, chicken mash, cereal feeds, greens, calcium and other vitamin and mineral supplements, chicken grit, “scratch” and much more.
Chicken Health – A Healthy Chicken is a Happy Chicken…
- Knowing how your chickens should and should not behave in their regular daily routines is fundamental to ensuring everything is fine. You’ll learn about your chickens common behavioral habits such as broodiness, preening, roosting, and more.
- You’ll learn about the “pecking order” and what to do when you see one of your hens being picked on by other birds in your flock. The “pecking order” is completely natural in chickens but often it can get out of control. You’ll learn exactly what to do if one of your hens becomes too aggressive and the bird on the receiving end becomes injured or hurt.
- You’ll also learn about less common behavioral habits such as feather pecking, egg eating, cannibalism and more. Nip these last ones in the bud before they get out of control so one of your girls doesn’t end up getting seriously hurt, or even worse, potentially killed.
- We take a look at 3 of the most common minor aliments that can impact on the health of your chickens, and then a whooping 25 serious aliments that might impact them at some point in the future. Each includes a full description of the aliment and appropriate suggestions on treatment and the course of action you’ll need to take to keep your chickens in tip top condition.
- We take a look at 8 of the more common types of parasite that can take a fancy to our feathered friends, how to minimize their occurrence in the first place and what to do if they’ve already arrived and are irritating your chickens.
- Thorough cleaning and hygiene will dramatically reduce any associated health problems and is therefore critically important to the overall health of your flock. We look at how to properly clean out your chicken coop, and what types of cleaning martial you should use to ensure the safety of your birds – whilst at the same time maintaining the cleanest and most hygienic housing possible.
And Much More – Instant Download Now Available…
…the above is just a small fraction of what you’re about to learn. The “tip of the chicken feather” so to speak. Our exclusive guide to chickens – “Keeping Happy, Healthy, Egg Laying Chickens In Your Own Backyard” contains over 97 pages of pure, no fluff, particial chicken keeping advice. This is your complete guide to keeping chickens in your own backyard.However, this guide is NOT available in any stores – nor on any other websites.
We’re only making this exclusive manual available to the valued visitors and newsletter readers of the “Chicken Keeping Secrets” website. BUT the good news is… THAT’S YOU… and because we’ve produced the manual in digital format, it’s available for you to download to your computer and read right now, even if it’s 2am in the morning.
What’s even better is that your investment in this manual (and access to a very exclusive private membership area) is just a small, one time payment of only
If for any reason whatsoever you’re not totally convinced that this is the most informative guide to chicken keeping you’ve ever read, simply drop me an email within the next 60 days & I‘ll refund 100% of your purchase price – no questions asked;
You’ve got absolutely nothing to loose with a guarantee like that, and if the health & well being of your feathered friends is important to you, then you realisese that $27 is just a small drop in the bucket compared to sharing a long healthy & productive life with them.Heck, you’ve probably spent more on a decent feed at K.F.C ;-0
You will be able to download “Keeping Happy, Healthy, Egg Laying Chickens In Your Own Backyard” immediately after payment has been made and you’ve completed registration for the private members area (a 30 second process). The download itself is a PDF document which can be viewed on either a PC or MAC – if you don’t know what a PDF document is dont worry, we’ll provide you with complete help.
…the “Chicken Keeping Secrets” Guide To “Keeping Happy, Healthy, Egg Laying Chickens In Your Own Backyard” certainly stands on it’s own two feet, but as we mentioned before, membership to “Chicken Keeping Secrets” is more than just a simple “guide to keeping chickens”.Membership is like having your own personal library of proven chicken keeping information & advice, right at your finger tips, that you can access from the comfort of your own home 24 hours a day, 7 days week.
Here’s why…
For a limited time only, we’re also going to include several fast action bonuses inside a very exclusive private membership area when you order now…
The Do Not Cluck About Fast Action Bonus One; “The Masters Of Chicken Keeping Collection“…
We’ve sold hundreds of copies of this classic collection as a stand alone product, at the same small price you’re going to invest today for complete membership.But you wont have to pay anything extra, the entire collection is available in our exclusive customer only area for free, and like our own exclusive guide to keeping chickens, all volumes are available for immediate download…
Here’s what the “Masters Of Chicken Keeping” Collection contains…“Hi Duncan, I wanted to thank you for the collection… initially I had my reservations with the books being written quite some time ago, but you were right. They are excellent reference material and these guys certainly know what they’re talking about… I was so impressed with “The Practical Poultry Keeper” I actually took it down to the local printers and had it spiral bound. It’s now sitting on the shelf in the chicken shed to reference whenever I need it. Thanks again & I look forward to next issue of newsletter” ~ Mary Beaven, Austin Texas.
By Lewis Wright – 1904 – 344 pages.
This massive 344 page publication was, and still is, considered one of the most in-depth and comprehensive guides to successful backyard chicken & poultry keeping.
By Edgar Warren – 1912 – 104 pages.
If you’re interested in really maximizing the egg production of your backyard chicken flock then this guide is exactly what you’ve been looking for. Not only will you never be short on eggs again, but with 200 eggs per year, per hen, you’ll have enough left over to sell to your neighbors and friends and make a nice tidy profit. There is nothing quite like a hobby that not only pays for itself… but actually puts money back in YOUR pocket.
By George B. Fiske – 1902 – 136 pages.
This publication will teach you how to make and use time saving chicken keeping & management devices to ensure you’re chickens require as little of your time as possible. The less time you spend looking after your chickens, the more time you’ll have to enjoy them!
By George B. Fiske – 1907 – 130 pages.
This 130 page publication was considered the authoritive guide to practical chicken coops in it’s day. With over 100 detailed illustrations, if you’re looking to build your own chicken coop, this book is an essential reference.
The Reliable Poultry Journal Pub. Co. 1919 – 116 pages
This detailed 116 page publication will teach you everything you need to know about chicken coops & hen houses…
“The Poultry Doctor” contains absolutely everything you need to know about the health of your chickens…
…the “Masters Of Chicken Keeping Collection” is a must have resource for anyone interested in keeping chickens. Written by the masters of the day – when just about everyone kept a few chickens in their own backyards – these guys really know their stuff.
Again, this entire collection can be downloaded immediately after ordering our exclusive guide to keeping chickens at home and is included at no extra cost…“Thanks. I have downloaded volume one and must do the others. It is such a great read I haven’t taken the time to download the rest. I agree with the comments. I too thought it was a bit old! But what a great read and with the environment so crazy it’s good to read/learn about the practical ‘how to do’ (techniques) especially if one doesn’t want to buy feed that may contain things one doesn’t want…I was surprised to learn that we really didn’t know all that much about chickens – we have had some before. Now rather than rushing out and buying some we are rethinking the how’s and whys of the project. This time I am sure we will do a much better job! Thank you to you” ~ Dale Mattock, Canada
The Do Not Cluck About Fast Action Bonus Two; Full Access To ALL Back Issues Of The Chicken Keeping Secrets Newsletter…
You see we’ve been publishing the “Chicken Keeping Secrets” newsletter for just over 3 years now. It contains more than 73 individual back issues of hard hitting professional chicken keeping advice – 700+ pages when printed.There is no fluff or filler information here – just practical detailed advice to chicken questions that readers just like you have submitted.
These back issues are not made available to the general public – even though we get numerous requests each day to send them to people who want to “catch up” on all of the excellent content. When you order now I’m also going to include personal access to every single back issue published to our customer only blog.
This will allow you to search in just seconds for the exact chicken keeping information you’re looking for. Again, there is NO OTHER METHOD of gaining access to these.
The full set is available for our valued customers only so take action & order now…
…after your payment has been made you’ll be immediately redirected to a private web page where you can instantly download the full 97 page “Keeping Happy, Healthy, Egg Laying Chickens In Your Own Backyard” manual and gain access to the exclusive customer only bonuses mentioned above. Just click on the link above to order now.
Here’s to your chicken keeping success in 2011…
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